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Image©2005 Ann Brundige Screenshot from Parts of Skateboarding activity.
Skateboarding Park

Skateboarding is one of the popular recreational activities that a large number of kids participate in at skate parks and other venues. In this activity, we provide a short opening video of kids skateboarding and doing various tricks at a local skate park. The activity then provides three pages which show photographs of different tricks.

Then the child will be presented with a picture of the skate park and its various components. By moving a skateboard graphic to different components of the park, the child will move to a page with a closeup picture of that part of the park.

The page also has a text box in which the child can write. We have had children write about either the park’s physical charactersistics (i.e. ramp, launch, bowl) or about the tricks that would be done off the various park’s parts.

We have also included a Word document which will provide you with three websites that children can reach for more information about skateboarding tricks etc.

Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®..
Curriculum area: Language Arts.
Level: Grades 3-5 and Middle School.

Download activity here: (4.1 MB)

April 17th, 2014 at 9:45 pm

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