This activity is based upon the IntelliMathics 3® Addition Template (Addition in the Desert). In this activity the child is presented with eight addition problems using the numbers 1-5 to arrive at sums ranging from two to five. The activity has a background picture of the woods. Children are presented with addition problems wherein they have to add beetles and caterpillars together.
The activity has self checking built in. The child’s answers are recorded throughout their work, so that you can see their thinking as they correct problems in their addition along the way, if you have the full version of IntelliMathics 3®. A custom overlay is provided for use with IntelliKeys®.
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite ®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliMathics 3®.
Curriculum area: Math.
Level: Grades K-2.
Download activity here: (2.5 MB)