Amelia Earhart is remembered as one of the greatest aviatrices of our time. This activity is built in the Learning Magic “Text and Graphics, Read Out, Five Question” template.
In the activity the child will get to listen to and read a recounting of Amelia’s life from early childhood, through her early flight days, to her first flight across the Atlantic, to her solo flight across the Atlantic, and finally to her fateful flight around the world. Photographs of Amelia are also included to give visual reference to the child as to what Amelia looked like as an aviatrix.
The underlying technology for the development of this activity is IntelliPics Studio 3®. The activity can be run on the IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player. But IntelliPics Studio 3® is needed to perform data capture, automatic grading and portfolio management, as well as any editing or changes to the activity itself
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Language Arts and History.
Level: Grades 3-5).
Download activity here: (1.4 MB)