Cochise was one of the leading chiefs of the Chiricahua Apache tribe from the 1840s through the early 1870s. He and his people’s homeland was invaded by both the Mexican government and then by the westward movement of the American settlers. Despite his efforts to remain at peace, he and his family were wrongly accused of a crime, which led to the breakout of an eleven year war that raged between the Apaches and the U.S. in both Arizona and New Mexico.
This activity briefly recounts Cochise’s life. The activity is built upon the Learning Magic “Text Only – Click to Read – Five Question (TOCR5Q) template, which was a part of the “Comprehension” CD.
Children have an opportunity to read and/or to click on the text and have the text read to them. Their comprehension of the content provided is tested by answering the five multiple choice questions which follow the reading selection.
The underlying technology for the development of this activity is IntelliPics Studio 3®. The activity can be run on the IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player. But IntelliPics Studio 3® is needed to perform data capture, automatic grading and portfolio management, as well as any editing or changes to the activity itself.
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Language Arts and History.
Level: Grades 3-5.
Download activity here: (1.4 MB)