This activity was created in IntelliPics Studio 3 by a group of 6th and 7th graders who had a class assignment to investigate and write about the Lewis and Clark expedition and their experiences at Fort Clatsop on the Oregon coast.
As you will see the children went to Fort Clatsop, took photos and short videos of the Fort and listened to the various experts at the fort. They then went back to their classrooms and went to the web and other resources to gather further information on the expedition and the rain forest surrounding Fort Clatsop.
The activity is the result of their work. Please note that the children were not allowed to plagiarize from any of the sources but were allowed to copy the text from the captains’ notes as it appeared in their official logs using the vernacular of the day.
This a good example of the work middle school and high school children are accomplishing using IntelliPics Studio 3®’s multi-media capabilities. After showing it to several teachers who were interested in teaching about Lewis & Clark, they encouraged me to put it on the activity exchange, as they felt they would be using it themselves in their classrooms as a supplement to the IntelliTools Ready Made – Lewis & Clark and other materials.
It certainly is a far cry from the book reports I did as a child using the World Book of Knowledge we had in our home!
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Social Studies and History.
Level: Grades 3-5, Middle School, and High School.
Download activity here: clatsop.zip (21.6 MB)