This activity incorporates pictures of a strawberry fruit stand as well as a picture of raspberries growing on the bush. The activity revolves around the activities of the fruit stand and the various customers that come in each hour.
A scenario for each hour is presented and then a question is asked resulting in the student having to read the storyline and then answer the question by using the fraction bars provided.
The question can be read to the student if necessary by clicking the text box provided on each page. A total of eight fraction problems are provided.
Data recording and reporting is available if you have a full copy of IntelliMathics 3®. To simply run the activity requires a copy of the IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®. Student check work is also built in.
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite ®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliMathics 3®.
Curriculum area: Math.
Level: Grades 3-5 and Middle/High school.
Download activity here: (2.2 MB)