This activity was built in IntelliPics Studio 3® in conjunction with a group of teachers who were wanting to teach prepositions to children who were struggling with learning these concepts. The activity includes 24 digital pictures, one short video, and IntelliMations to draw the student’s interest.
We then utilized four strategies on each page. Either a digital picture by itself was presented, or a digital picture and an animation was presented to represent the preposition we would be working with on that page
Then an audio recording of the scene was provided to auditorily give instruction to the child.
Lastly a text box was presented with the sentence written out. The sentence included the preposition in question and the preposition was highlighted in italics and was presented in a different color font. The child could then click the text box to hear the sentence read out as many times as they liked.
The child’s answers are automatically recorded and available for review if you own a copy of IntelliPics Studio 3® or Classroom Suite.
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Language Arts.
Level: Grades K-2 and 3-5.
Download activity here: Prepositions.zip (17.5 MB)