This activity is the result of a fourth grader using the Roscoe’s Desert Trip Activity/Template to describe his impressions and thoughts about Roscoe the Goose’s trip.
Please click here to see the Roscoe Desert Trip Template in the Goodies section as well. This activity can be used in the classroom as a reading activity or as an example for children to see how another child wrote about his understanding of the desert and what Roscoe experienced as a goose in the desert..
In the classroom teachers are using the Roscoe’s Desert Trip template as a supplemental writing activity to a study unit on deserts.
Please note that the ‘Roscoe’ (Goose) image is a copyright protected frame animation and can not be used in other activities unless you ow
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®
Curriculum area: Language Arts.
Level: Grades 3-5.
Download activity here: (6.5 MB)