This activity is developed in the Learning Magic Text and Graphics Click to Read template (TGCR). In this template, the child is presented with a graphic and a text box with one to three paragraphs of information regarding the subject, and that page is then followed by a page with a multiple choice question to ascertain the student’s comprehension of the previously read materials.
The child has the ability to go back and re-read the section if desired. Also a child needing extra support can click on the text box and the text will be read aloud to him or her. Behind the scenes we are capturing all their responses and automatically generating a graded report through the IntelliPics Studio 3® portfolio management and reporting system.
The journey across the Atlantic is recounted in the activity, and it provides not only pictures of the trip but also diagrams of the ship and maps of the routes that the ship(s) travelled. Conditions as they existed aboard the Mayflawer are described and the travails of the crossing are also retold.
The activity can be run on the IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player. But IntelliPics Studio 3® is needed to perform data capture, automatic grading and portfolio management, as well as any editing or changes to the activity itself.
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Language Arts and History.
Level: Grades 3-5.
Download activity here: (2.2 MB)