“Migration” is an activity built using the Animated Stories Toolkit which was originally developed by Ann Brundige (Ann Brundige Studio) and Patti Rea (Adaptive Technology).
In this activity, the frame animation eagle from the IntelliPics Studio 3® Picture Library was used as the moving object on the screen. The goal of the activity was to provide a basis for children to write about both migration as it applies to animal movement and also to provide a basis for describing the landscape and mountains the eagle was flying by on its trip northward.
The photos are all aerial shots of well-known mountains or landmarks along the west coast. They include Mt. Shasta in California, Crater Lake, Mt. Bachelor, and Mt. Hood in Oregon, and finally Mt. Saint Helens and Mt. Rainier in Washington.
The activity was designed to allow the child to write in a provided text box about what they are seeing, or to write about specific landmarks that they are seeing dependent upon the assignment given by the teacher (migration/northward movement, flight, noteable mountains/volcanoes etc).
For background information on these mountains, a good web site reference is: http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/Cascades/volcanoes_cascade_range.html (This is part of the Cascades Volcanoes Observatory web site.)
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Language Arts, Science.
Level: Grades 3-5.
Download activity here: Migration.zip (2.4 MB)