In the collaborative development process of “The Exploring Nature Collection” with Pati King DeBaun, we developed a series books for varying levels of emergent readers. In the final compilation process, some of the books we developed were not incorporated into the final shipping version of the product. This activity is one of those extra books.
In the case of “Who Has Antlers” this Easy Level book provides an auditory review on the subject of who has antlers. This book would have been a part of the Northlands (tundra) unit if it had been used.
In the book the children are asked whether moose, elk, wolves and/or caribou have antlers. Each animal is shown in a high quality photo. After each observing the picture, the child turns the page and is provided with the correct response to the question. In the case of the moose, elk and caribou the answer is “Yes”, and of course the response is “No way!” in the case of the wolf.
The visual content of the book and the entire “Exploring Nature Collection” is appropriate for students in the third grade and beyond. But this book is written at the “Easy Level” for emergent readers. (i.e. earliest level of beginning readers) and again is automatically read to the student (whether using a mouse, switch, AAC or IntelliKeys to turn the pages).
Applications needed: IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, IntelliTools Classroom Suite Player®, or IntelliPics Studio 3®.
Curriculum area: Language Arts and Science.
Level: Grades K-2.
Download activity here: WhoAntlers.zip (2.8 MB)